Curriculum Breakdown

It’s the end of the school year. For families who send their kids to school, this means sudden panic about how you’re going to entertain your kids all summer long. For homeschooling families, it’s time to think about and plan for next year. Or maybe even the year after that! I’ve got things lined up for my two sons this next year, but since the planning part is way more fun than the actual doing the work, and because I have somewhat of an idea what I’m doing now (??), I’m thinking about next next year!

The biggest motivator for me to think about this now is that for Big Bub’s 2nd-ish/3rd-ish grade year (which we just finished), I didn’t have a plan. And, well, things fell apart. I’m not sure what he learned this year. But I don’t want the same thing to happen to Little Munch’s 2nd grade year.

However, things are getting blurrier as they get older! Because, well, in homeschool your kids might be, say, 2nd grade level math, but only kindergarten level reading (that’s Little Munch). Or 4th grade level reading with only 1st/2nd grade level math (that’s Big Bub). So I think about Little Munch being a 2nd grader and I’m like… What will that even look like for him??

At any rate, I have at least accumulated a small stash of curriculum to sort through and consider. And that’s why I’m here… To type out my thoughts about the various curricula we have tried so far. And hopefully get a clearer picture of where Little Munch will fit in.

Heart of Dakota – Little Hearts For His Glory

What’s good about it?

Includes art, music, hands-on activities
Love the CD (Steve Green)

What was a struggle?

A lot of subjects to cover
History was a bit much for the age
I didn’t really like the songs for geography, etc

MFW Adventures in US History

What’s good about it?

Bible and history scripted were great.
I liked the read-alouds a lot.
My son enjoyed the State pages.

What was a struggle?

History was a bit much
Science didn’t seem adequate

All About Reading – Level 1

What’s good about it?

Love the letter tiles
Complete set

What was a struggle?

So expensive for just one subject! So many parts/pieces/elements.

The Good And the Beautiful – LA K

What’s good about it?

Covers all subjects within LA
Art study

What was a struggle?

So scattered! Lessons jumped around.
Didn’t revisit/review much
Definitely advanced!

Easy-Peasy All-in-One-Homeschool

What’s good about it?

Every subject covered
Involves computer games

What was a struggle?

The layout of the website–having to scroll waaaay down as we got into later and later lessons. (Kind of like this blog.)
The phonics didn’t impress me. They seemed like they would be better done with actual books.
The math games were kind of repetitive.
Having to click here, there, and everywhere.

Further Thoughts…

What were my biggest struggles with homeschooling this year?

Big Bub –
Okay, I taught him to read and do basic math… Now what?!
Trying to teach him more advanced math (adding double digits, carrying, subtraction, etc) is super challenging. The numbers get tangled up in his head and it confuses him.
Figuring out how to motivate him to memorize math facts.
Gets really lonely.
He does not have a very good attitude about schoolwork. Perhaps I’ve spoiled him a bit.

Little Munch –
So preoccupied with Big Bub’s school that Little Munch kind of just took a back shelf. 😦
Big Bub demands A LOT of attention even outside of schooling.
OBSESSED WITH TV. (Heaven help me!!)
Isn’t catching on to phonics as quickly as Big Bub.
Would rather spend his days climbing, running, doing gymnastics, or making “transforming” vehicles and pretend-playing with them. Complete with sound effects.
VERY limited self-reflection skills. (Is that normal?) Doesn’t communicate wants/needs well.
Really, really struggles with occupying himself.

[Aside: One of the things I’m slowly releasing my death grip on is this hairbrained idea that I cannot, under any circumstance, use a rewards system with my children. Do not even ask. Oy.]

What went well this year?

Big Bub has slowly started getting in to reading JUST FOR THE SAKE OF READING. Trumpets, everyone! Banners! Confetti! Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

Little Munch is definitely interested in learning phonics. Unlike Big Bub, he clearly needs to practice some every day or else it doesn’t stick. BB automatically started reading e-ver-y-thing in sight when he “cracked the code” (much like his mother). LM is still transforming vehicles. With sound effects. No words necessary.

LM clearly wants more structure. This is a good thing.

LM has started making friends at the park. Oh my goodness, let the praises ring. There isn’t anything more beautiful than seeing him run off with some other 5- or 6-year-old at the playground just as if they’d been friends forever.

Getting out and doing social things is still very important for them. My little social butterflies.

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